什么是机电一体化? 机电一体化是工程技术的一个跨学科分支.

机电一体化是工程技术的一个跨学科分支. 这个复杂的领域 blends mechanical, electrical, 和 electronic systems to design engineering solutions. 机电一体化 professionals must be experts in robotics, 电子产品, computer science, 和 much more.


“机电一体化”这个名字听起来可能像卡通中的超级反派, 但它的起源故事一点也不邪恶. The word was first coined in Japan in the sixties 和 was trademarked in the same country in 1971. 机电一体化是两个词的组合 力学 电子产品,因为这门学科是这两个领域的融合.

今天, 机电一体化 is more of a general industry term used to refer to mechanical engineering technology, 它的专家, 及其应用.


这个行业的专业人士可以在许多环境中找到. 他们的力学知识, 电子产品, 和 computing can help manufacturing facilities simplify 和 streamline systems 和 processes, 节省时间, 钱, 和麻烦.

The main responsibilities of a mechatronics professional include improving 和 repairing existing systems or processes, 开发新产品或原型, 设计和测试机械或电气系统, 并在任何可能的地方实现自动化.


机电一体化是现代制造业的重要组成部分. As manufacturing facilities rely less on human assembly line workers 和 more on robotics, 请机电专业人员来维修机器. They ensure that automation continues seamlessly, troubleshooting 和 repairing as issues arise. 制造机器人是该领域机电一体化的直接结果.


Another big development to stem from mechatronics is the Internet of Things (IoT), 或者是所有智能设备连接到互联网的网络. 机械的完美结合, 电子产品, 计算机科学, smart devices would not be possible without innovations in the field of mechatronics.

因为在大多数主要技术领域之间都有一些重叠, mechatronics professionals now face unexpected technological challenges with the IoT:

  • 数据安全: 既然物体是相互连接并相互通信的, 挑战在于如何保护这种交流, 这样黑客就不容易入侵网络了.
  • 机伦理:As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more advanced, moral 和 ethical questions must be addressed.
  • 人机界面(HMI): HMIs are dashboard displays from which humans connect to or control machinery. Touchscreens, remote controls, or smart devices’ web applications are all examples of HMIs. Best practices for User Interface (UI) 和 User 经验 (UX) design principles are extensive, 这是另一个意想不到的挑战.



这是一个充满活力和不断发展的领域, 机电一体化分为五个独特而又相互重叠的学科:

  • 力学: 物理能量及其对物体影响的科学研究
  • 电子产品: Scientific study of the physics surrounding electrons 和 electronic devices
  • 信息: 研究自然和工程系统中的计算
  • 自动化: 被设定为自动运行的技术
  • 机器人: Intersection of computer science 和 engineering, used to assist with human tasks

机电一体化连接了这些不相关的领域, 和 harnesses each to streamline systems 和 processes related to design 和 production.


Due to the incredibly complex 和 technical nature of the mechatronics industry, it is crucial to obtain formal education before attempting to work in this field.

机电一体化 is a combination of so many other advanced fields that it would be extremely difficult to teach oneself the intricacies of each, 和 nearly impossible for the sum of those parts to add up to a comprehensive knowledge of 机电一体化.

A Bachelor’s degree in 机电一体化 could provide the necessary education, 培训, 进入这个领域需要经验. A degree also demonstrates that you’ve received the proper education 和 instruction.


As a complex field, a mechatronics bachelor’s degree program has a lot of ground to cover. 一个典型的程序包括:

  • 2D & 工程零件的3D CAD设计
  • 液压 & 气动系统实施
  • 力及其对系统的影响的分析
  • 模拟 & 数字电子技术
  • 工程 & 数学原理
  • 较强的沟通能力(书面) & 口语)
  • 技术团队合作 & 领导能力

Remember that a college degree does more than simply teach you about the industry you’ve chosen. A bachelor’s degree program works to develop a well-rounded 和 work-ready graduate who is skilled in communication, 协作, 专业, 道德行为.

仅仅记住信息是不够的, 你需要能够清晰而有礼貌地沟通, 也要举止得体. Formal education can help prepare students not just for the work, but also for the workplace.


教育就像交流:找对了人更容易. 找到适合你的学校,学习就会变得很自然. 学院和大学不是放之四海而皆准的, 和 you may have to do some research to find a good fit for your lifestyle 和 goals.

在进行研究时,使用以下十大正规平台作为清单, 在不知不觉中,你就会深入到机械和电子领域!


Education shouldn’t require a sacrifice; it should be accessible 和 convenient. Whether you’re looking for a fresh start or have just graduated high school, 在繁忙的日程中安排上学是很困难的. 一些大学在白天提供课程, 晚上, 在周末, 并在网上为找工作的学生提供便利, 家庭, 或者其他义务.

  • TL;博士: 选择一所符合你现有时间表的学校, 你会发现更容易专心读书.


Four years is much too long to put your life on pause—especially if it’s a fresh start you seek. 随着世界的发展和变化,我们学习的方式也在变化. Some universities offer accelerated degree programs which can be completed in as little as 2.5年. 可能会很忙.5年,但如果你致力于你的道路,它是可控的.

  • TL;博士: 寻找提供机电一体化速成学位课程的学校, 你可以在短短两年内毕业并获得学士学位.5年.


经验 is always the catch 22—sort of like needing a job to get a car, 需要一辆车去上班. 这些天, 技术学校也意识到了这一点, 并通过实际的实验让它为他们和他们的学生所用, 周末讲习班, 还有强制性的实习,以提供实际经验. 许多行业都提供实践教育, 这对机电一体化专业的学生来说是一个巨大的好处.

  • TL;博士: 搜索 for schools offering practical mechatronics exercises (labs, externships, workshops, etc.) which adds up to tangible experience you can put on a resume after graduation.


教育应该是方便的. 学生上课的压力就越大, 完成作业, 为考试而学习, 参加研讨会, 他们就越不可能顺利毕业. 问问你自己:面对面还是在网上更容易解决这些问题? You have the choice of studying mechatronics online or on-campus—isn’t living in the future great?

  • TL;博士: 问问你自己,你在网上还是在学校会表现得更好, 寻找你喜欢的学校. 在线课程可以在不妥协的情况下提供方便, 因为学生仍然可以在研讨会上获得实践经验, 研讨会, 或者比赛.


容易被忘记, but very important: accreditation is a 3rd party seal of approval on the quality of an academic institution, 或者它的课程设置. 为什么这对你很重要? 因为:

认证确保获得的学位是有价值的学位. 认证 demonstrates that the institution is committed to quality education 和 keeps its courses up to date with the industry. 这意味着教育要符合行业标准, 这些学分更有可能被转让给 & 其他教育机构.

  • TL;博士: 认证 ensures that you’re not wasting time 和 钱 on a degree that holds no value. Take a moment to check the regional (the school itself) 和 programmatic (mechatronics curriculum) accreditation status of any universities you’re considering.


你愿意花时间改进机械系统吗, 开发新产品, 设计和测试系统, 或者与自动化和机器人一起工作. 你是否有任何先验知识或经验并不重要这就是学校的意义所在.

If you’re fascinated 和 enthusiastic about the idea of working with robots 和 automation, 这是所有你需要开始.


考虑一下EPCI大学 Bachelor of Science in 电子系统工程技术 with a concentration in 机电一体化. 我们的机电一体化计划是加速,动手,方便. 更好的是,你可以在短短2年内毕业.5年,这可能是 你做过的最好的决定!


免责声明- 十大正规网堵平台不作任何声明, 保修, 或对实际就业能力或收入潜力的保证, 我们提供的任何教育十大正规平台的过去或未来的学生或毕业生. 十大正规网堵平台网站仅供参考. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on the 十大正规平台.edu domain; however, no 保修 of accuracy is made. No contractual rights, either expressed or implied, are created by its content.