刑事司法专业的学生如何获得经验? 十大正规网堵平台的犯罪现场实验室, 图为, 特征是一个现实的人体模型“受害者”,“在她家里发现的. 

We’ve all binge-watched a cop procedural show at some point—true crime is a popular entertainment genre with staying power. 但刑事调查不仅仅是流媒体平台上的一个比喻, 这是一份真正需要专业培训和教育的工作. 刑事司法 professionals apply investigative techniques to crime scenes, 收集证据并采访证人, 追究有罪的当事人 依法办事.

TV would have you thinking this job is mostly running down dark alleys after bad guys. In reality, criminal justice involves more paperwork and mental gymnastics than actual cardio.


Every true crime buff knows that most detectives and special agents typically have a background in lower-level law enforcement. What you may not know is that many of them also hold formal educational degrees in criminal justice, 或者相关专业.

刑事司法、犯罪专业大专及学士学位 & 情报分析, 数字取证, and 国土安全 are all wonderful options when you’re ready to take this investigation from the TV screen to the streets. A formal criminal justice education could help you flesh out your informal lifelong study of true crime shows, 用“只讲事实”来填补耸人听闻的空白, 女士.”


刑事司法 students need to learn the basics of law enforcement to build a solid foundation in the industry. 但刑事司法是一个实践性很强的领域, 没有人想成为第一次出警就晕倒的菜鸟.

So how can students get the practical experience needed to keep cool when assessing an actual crime scene? 以动手实验的形式模拟真实的犯罪现场. 


Some—very few—criminal justice degree programs offer precisely this type of hands-on experience in the curriculum. 十大正规网堵平台弗吉尼亚海滩校区, 例如, 最近为刑事司法学位十大正规平台投资了一个新实验室 that simulates crime scene scenarios with forensic equipment students could encounter in the real-world. 通过模拟犯罪现场和伪造证据, experienced criminal justice instructors like the ones at 十大正规网堵平台 can help their students get a feel for the real deal. 

这会是什么样子呢? 本质上是犯罪现场.

刑事司法专业的学生如何获得经验?Every detail of a crime simulation must be strategically crafted for criminal justice students to examine. 课堂理论是必须了解的, but the real test is whether the students can find and correctly interpret the staged clues, 找出并检查假想的证据, 彻底梳理犯罪现场.

十大正规网堵平台的犯罪现场实验室, 图为, 特征是一个现实的人体模型“受害者”,“在她家里发现的. 

“有很多不同的教学模式,唐·拉杜克说, 十大正规网堵平台刑事司法系教师(右图). “人们通过听来学习,通过看来学习,通过做来学习. 我是个实干家. 你可以跟我说一整天, 但在我拿到它之前, 那就是我要学东西的时候. 我在教学中采用这种方法. 我喜欢动手的部分. 我们学习犯罪现场,态势感知和文件.”

An excellent criminal justice degree program will also include evidentiary analysis tools and techniques for fingerprinting, 目击者采访, 当然, 嫌疑人的审讯. 与看电视不同,这个过程可能需要几周、几个月甚至几年的时间.

练习面试 & 审讯

采访证人是解决大多数案件的重要组成部分. Soft skills are crucial for extracting information from people in extreme states of distress (like 冲击). Interrogating suspects is another important, but very different, part of solving most cases. Certain techniques and methods may be more effective than others, and each case is different. 有时面试可能会变成审讯. 有时审讯策略会带来新的证据.

An industry-driven criminal justice degree program can help you learn the signs of when to interview, 何时进行询问, 以及何时从一种策略转向另一种策略, 通过实践活动帮助学生在实践中学习.


The most powerful tools at the disposal of law enforcement officials may surprise you. 不,这不是一把大枪. 不,这不是徽章的象征意义. 不,不是他们的搭档. 作为刑事司法专业人员, 你的武器库中最强大的工具就是你的思想, 你的耳朵, 还有你的声音.



每一桩犯罪都像一盘棋. 利用你面前的棋盘和棋子, 你能确定你的对手在过去的动作中是怎么想的吗? 你知道他们现在在想什么吗? 你能预测他们下一步会做什么吗? Understanding the mental state and motivations of a criminal can make all the difference in how you pursue them—and in the outcome.

A quality criminal justice degree program with realistic lab activities or workshops could help develop these situational critical thinking skills with crime scene simulations like the one above. 学生们可以自由地检查犯罪现场, collect and analyze evidence using real industry-standard forensic equipment, 根据他们的调查得出结论.



我们用“罪犯”这个词来泛指违法行为, 但这并不总是有意为之, 或恶意的. Offering a cornered criminal the chance to tell their side of the story can make all the difference in apprehending the suspect, 尽量减少附带损害, 结案.

A hands-on criminal justice degree program could help develop professional listening skills and teach you how to de-escalate a crisis. Academic institutions may achieve this by bringing in volunteers to simulate various forms of distress, 恐慌, 冲击, 悲伤, 和更多的, for criminal justice students to gain experience in highly emotional situations.

说话 To,At

Many law enforcement calls turn out to be miscommunications or misunderstandings—oftentimes involving an individual with mental health issues who simply needs help. 这就是为什么你的声音是你最有力的工具之一, 使用武力应该永远是绝对的最后手段.

A criminal justice degree program taught by an experienced industry professional should emphasize the full range of tools and soft skills at your disposal, 培养真正的工作技能,以有所作为.

取证 & 证据


无论你的目标是什么,你都可能以某种方式处理证据. 你可以学习如何在不损害证据的情况下处理证据, 如何从几乎任何东西上提取指纹, and how to use the same forensic equipment used by real professionals in the industry.


并不是所有的刑事司法学位课程都是平等的, and it’s up to you to do your due diligence to find the right school and program for you. 你的清单上有几项:

  • 实践: Find a university which emphasizes practical laboratories and simulated exercises for students to gain real-world experience.
  • 有经验的教师: Any educational experience is enhanced when taught by a subject-matter-expert who has been there and done that. 
  • 行业标准设备: Learning with the same tools used by the pros can only benefit students in the long run. 


十大正规网堵平台 offers criminal justice degree programs taught by seasoned veterans, 通过动手模拟犯罪现场实验室, 使用行业标准设备. Even better, our courses are accelerated for a faster path to achieving your goals. 你可以拿个 刑事司法理学学士学位 只要2分钟.5年,具备工作技能.


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